grades 6-12

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession,
that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."
1 Peter 2:9

"Our vision for the youth in this area is to be the Ekklesia. The word "church" refers to the Greed word Ekklesia meaning "the called out ones." We envision our youth living a called out lifestyle through being a disciple of Jesus. Looking at discipleship in Biblical times, we know that the process included spending all your time with your Rabbi(teacher), becoming like your Rabbi, and eventually being sent out to do what he did. With this in mind, our goals as a youth group consists of 3 main focuses: Being with Jesus, Becoming Like Jesus, and Doing what Jesus did." 


On Sunday mornings, we gather at 9:30 for Sunday School. This is a time for us to diver deep into the Word of God and learn more about the Bible. Afterwards, we attend Sunday Morning service starting at 10:45.


On Wednesday Nights, we have a service just for grades 6-12. This time is filled with games, fellowship, and worship through music and the Word. We eat a meal at 5:30 and service starts at 6!

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